Enjoy Healthy Weight Loss After Gastric Sleeve
This young woman was suffering from health and psychological issues because of the obesity she had been suffering from for many years until she became dissatisfied with her body, weighing 115 kilograms. She also had difficulties with mobility and performing even the simplest daily activities. This young woman decided that she needed a radical change in her life and made a brave decision to undergo bariatric surgery to treat her obesity and protect herself from associated diseases. This decision was the result of her failure to lose her excess weight through traditional methods of diet and exercise.
This young woman was further encouraged when she started following the social media pages of obese patients who had undergone bariatric surgery and were thankful for their decision. She eagerly followed them as they lost their excess weight in perfect health, fulfilling the hope of her ideal weight. When she wondered on various social media platforms about the best bariatric surgeon in Egypt, the name of Dr. Ahmed Abd El Salam, Assistant Professor of General and Laparoscopic Surgery and Consultant for Bariatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine at Kasr El-Ainy, came up because of his outstanding skill and experience and his application of the latest techniques in the field of bariatric surgery.
She contacted Dr. Ahmed Abd El Salam’s center and easily scheduled an appointment at the clinic closest to her home upon her request. After a consultation with Dr. Ahmed Abd El Salam and a thorough evaluation of her case, the most suitable procedure was chosen for her, the Gastric Sleeve, according to the degree of obesity she was suffering from, which was determined by measuring her body mass index, in addition to considering the diseases associated with obesity.
Successful Gastric Sleeve and healthy weight loss:
After her gastric sleeve surgery, she underwent a comprehensive dietary program from the nutrition team under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Abd El Salam. Her weight loss journey was easy, and with every question or consultation, she contacted Dr. Ahmed Abd El Salam or a member of his medical team, who always provided her with answers and advice at any time.
Over time, this young woman noticed a marked improvement in her health and general well-being, thus her acceptance of life. She began to lose weight, which encouraged her to continue. She felt her self-confidence gradually return, and her life turned for the better.
A year after her gastric sleeve surgery, this young woman surprised everyone with her amazing results. She was able to lose about 40 kilograms and regain her health. She could do activities she couldn't before and regained her passion for life as her weight dropped to 75 kilograms.
Weight after sleeve gastrectomy:
• It has been found that 30% of people who undergo gastric sleeve surgery may gain weight again within 3 to 5 years. This increase is due to poor eating habits and foods high in sugars and easily absorbed calories, such as fizzy water and juices.
• Some may think that the reason for weight regain is the expansion of the stomach size, but this thinking is incorrect. It is natural for some expansion to occur during the first year after the sleeve gastrectomy, with the sleeved stomach reaching 250 to 300 ml instead of 100 to 150 ml, and it will not exceed that. However, this expansion does not allow for the consumption of large quantities of food. The type of food has the most significant impact on weight control.
• Weight should be monitored even after years. Weighing once a month can be enough to detect any weight gain and identify errors in dietary habits by following up with a dietician.